Our Services

Building your Mobiles Solution & corporate website and software is more than a simple combination of a marketing exercise, an access to the end user and a simplification of operations. Every company needs to form a unique website and software strategy consistent with it's own approach to business. These range from the primary focus and evolution of the website, to a risk mitigation towards future technology change.

Mobile Solution can help you build software requirement specifications (MOS) for website and software projects suitable to your needs. A requirements analysis undertaken for this helps build the detailed project deliverables that can then be implemented in the development project.

Some factors involved in this decision will include:

  • Company Branding and Positioning: How is your company positioned with respect to your competitors? What is your company's branding strategy?
  • Functionality versus Budget Tradeoff: Keeping your budget and current company marketing and technology efforts in mind, what website/ software functionalities should you invest in? Would it make sense to undertake ecommerce web development for now, or could this be kept for a later software development project?
  • Company Processes: How will your corporate website integrate with your approach to business ? Would you need to modify any process while outsourcing your website/ web software development project?
  • Industry Parallels: What are the different strategies for the Internet that your industry sector has used ? What online applications have been successfully applied ?
  • An analysis of your technology requirements: How can your current environment be optimally utilized, and what new technologies should be used such that they are future ready ?

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