Mobile Office Solutions  is a global leading provider of end-to-end value-added services for operators, brands, content providers and enterprises with offices in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.
The market for content and value-added services is growing rapidly. It represents a huge opportunity for network operators, service providers, media agencies and enterprises but there are significant challenges. Maintaining and managing the platforms in the highly competitive market is a complex and expensive task.
has addressed this issue and our ability to deliver turnkey solutions is unique. In a nutshell, we make it easy for our clients to implement profitable new services tapping the dynamic mobile market.
The company employs carrier-grade messaging platforms and gateways, content management systems plus video and voice platforms. The services that they enable include interactive portals, community and user generated content applications, ring back tone, mobile advertising, music download and video streaming. IMImobile is a fast-growing profitable global company with offices in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. We have operations in 100 countries powering numerous clients 365 days a year, And we work for 24/7.
Mobile Solution provides consultancy to clients worldwide on the appropriate process and priorities for implementing end to end website and web based solutions, flash and interactive media design, search engine optimization and marketing, desktop software solutions. Our senior project managers have a keen insight and expertise across industry domains and can help design appropriate solutions for clients based on their needs, budget, timelines, existing software infrastructure and potential future maintenance and support requirements. The Pegasus InfoCorp senior project and technical managers will partner with you to identify the unique approach that work for our clients.

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